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Ancient China

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Shun Timeline script
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Gunpowder in ancient China

Who invented gunpowder in ancient China?

Bei Boyang invented gunpowder in ancient China.


What did gunpowder do?

Gunpowder was mainly used for rocketry.


Where was gunpowder used?

The Chinese first used gunpowder in warfare.


When was gunpowder invented?

Gunpowder was invented in 900B.C.


How has gunpowder changed over time?

Gunpowder did not change over time.


Why is gunpowder important?

Shun 321 Reflection
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Gunpowder is important because it helps us make fireworks. Fireworks help celebrate the new year and the Chinese new year is very important. The Chinese new year is important because it takes the old and bad away and let in the new and good.

- Shun


So people can have fun looking at the fireworks, and we can also use guns for self defence.

- Hisaya


To see fireworks and for defence. 


Chinese Rocket

Made by Shun

Shun Artifact script
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Hisaya Timeline
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Paper in ancient China

Who invented it? 

Ts’ai Lun invented paper in China.


What did it do? 

It helped people write stuff, write stories and take notes.


Where was it used? 

It was first used at china 


When was it invented?

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Why is paper important?

Hisaya Reflection
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It helps us write notes and books, it helps us find information. It also tortures us because we need to write everyday at school.

- Hisaya


Paper is important because we write on paper and I can make origami on paper too.We can draw on paper. Paper makes books and books are important to everyone.

- Shun


It is important because I can write letters to people and make origami and other stuff that uses paper.

- Azuhiko

Chinese Paper 

Made by Hisaya and Shun

Hisaya Artefact
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The Compass

Azuhiko Timeline
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The compass in ancient China

Who invented it?

Ancient China


What did it do?

It helped ships go in the correct direction even if it was foggy or cloudy.


Where was it used?

It is mostly used in navigation to find direction on the earth. It works because the earth has a magnetic field and the compass has two pointy edges.


When was it invented?

It was invented in 11th or 12th century




Why is the compass important?

Azuhiko Reflection
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To go in the right direction, to know which way you are facing, or if you are going to your True North or away from it.  

- Azuhiko


The compass is important because it helps us when we lose direction. If we lose direction we will be lost. It can also also show us where N, S, E, and W, so then the compass is important.

- Shun


If we get lost we can find a way to get out. We can also find lost things.

- Hisaya

Ancient Chinese compass

Made by Azuhiko and Hisaya

Azuhiko artefact
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Abroad Osaka Grade 3 Museum

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